Just a few words about a man I've known from the age of 5 when he was best man for my eldest brothers wedding and the story of how Wayne told my mum that night that she would become his mother-in-law and told Gaynor the next wedding they go to would be theirs. Low and behold sereval years later this became true. My Dad always said if Gaynor had thrown all the man in the air she couldn't caught a better one with Wayne and I have to say I agree. A man of few words but he had a very dry sense of humour with a quick wit and had many of laughs with family meals, parties & holidays. A very loving husband and father he will leave a huge hole in Gaynor, Bernie & Anthony lives but they can be proud of the husband and father that he was and will look back with fond memories. Rest in peace Wayne lots of love Cheryl Xxx💞